Marvel Cinematic Universe Unlimited Wiki
Dark Messiah (MCU)

Mordecai Jones/Dark Messiah

Mordecai Jones was a lowly street performer who became inspired by the acts of Daredevil to become a vigilante himself, believing that he should be the one to decide the fate of all criminals in Hell's Kitchen. However, his first act of trying to stop a bank robber led him to get injured by a gun shot, forcing him to go to the hospital for treatment. While there, Mordecai was approached by scientists working for IGH, who offered him the chance to obtain greater power to carry out his judgement on Hell's Kitchen but only if he served them as an agent of their organization, to which he accepted. Mordecai was thus subjected to mutagenic experiments, where he was bonded to a Centipede Device and given a magical amulet stolen from the New York Sanctum, which granted him superhuman strength, stamina, agility, and limited knowledge of Kamar-Taj Mystic Arts spell-casting. Now drunk off the abilities his enhancements bestowed upon him, Mordecai has since set out to bring about divine vengeance upon the criminal scum of New York as a holy figure known as the Dark Messiah.

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